BIO: David Pich MA (Cantab) is an Adjunct Professor (Leadership and Culture) and Industry Fellow at Griffith University and a Flexible Working and 4-Day Work Week specialist. David is the Director of Better Workplaces Consulting, and as the author of two bestselling books on leadership – Leadership Matters: 7 skills of very successful leaders and Leading Well: 7 attributes of very successful leaders–David is passionate about improving leadership practice and sees a clear, irrefutable link between better leaders and better workplaces. Whilst he was the Chief Executive of the iconic Institute of Managers and Leaders Australia and New Zealand for six years, David advocated for sound leadership and was the keynote speaker at major leadership-focused conferences both locally and overseas –in the UK, India, Malaysia and Nepal, amongst other places. He remains a much sought-after local and international speaker on leadership, corporate culture & wellbeing, flexible working and team peak performance. Having successfully implemented the much-talked about 4-Day Work Week, he offers fascinating insights into the impact of flexible working on leadership, on employee wellbeing and –crucially-on business outcomes. Now an independent Flexible Working and 4-Day Work Week specialist, David works with businesses to design, implement and measure projects that are designed to tackle workplace wellbeing, staff attrition and retention and stress management issues. He believes that flexible working –when ‘done properly’-can have a profound and long-lasting impact on staff happiness and business outcomes. It’s the ‘done properly’ part that is so often lacking!
Outside of work and family, David’s true passion is running. Having completed 57 full marathons, he is absolutely determined to(finally!)break the elusive 3-hour barrier at the 2023 Melbourne Marathon in October.
SESSION OVERVIEW: David believes that flexible working – when ‘done properly’- can have a profound and long-lasting impact on staff happiness and business outcomes. It’s the ‘done properly’ part that is so often lacking! David’s Session – “Flex is Not the New Flex” – will position flexible working as more than ‘the new normal’. He’ll argue that it is the silver bullet for productivity improvement, achievement of business results, reduction in attrition rates and improvement of mental health in the workplace measures. Specifically he’ll present the 4-Day Week as the ideal flexi structure for solving real business issues.