BIO: Andrew Mills is the Chief Executive Officer of University of Sydney Union
SESSION OVERVIEW: The University of Sydney Union visited fourteen UK student unions and campuses in January 2023 in order to benchmark their service delivery and compare best practice across all of their functions, from governance, to programs, spaces, wellbeing, safety, learning and development, merchandise, and commercial. The UK is the closest to Australian campus culture. Whilst their structures, programs and services are similar, are they more advanced, and more embedded than at home?
The nature and impact of VSU on the higher education sector has meant a fracturing and heterogenization of student organisations, where no campus is comparable to another. This session will share some of the key insights from leading UK universities, including:
• Clubs and societies programs
• Student engagement programs and strategies
• Co-curricular University life
• Built environment
• Learning & development
• Dedicated student spaces, facilities, lounges, and autonomous areas
• Food and Beverage services
• Retail merchandise opportunities
• Governance structures
• Understanding of student safety issues faced by other student unions and universities and successful mitigation strategies.
You will leave this session with an understanding of top UK university programs which may help you to develop your own strategies to Elevate the student experience.